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IUGR book - available now!

Tiny But Mighty Baby: A parents' guide to navigating their child's diagnosis of intrauterine growth restriction

By: Dr. Erin Zinkhan


Go in depth about how growth restriction is diagnosed, managed during pregnancy and in newborn babies, how growth restriction impacts health from birth throughout life, and what parents can do to advocate for their tiny but might baby.


This book also is filled with moving personal stories from parents about their experience with getting a diagnosis of growth restriction, how their pregnancies were managed, and how growth restriction impacted their babies. Please note that while many of the parents' stories have happy endings, some stories discuss difficult topics including miscarriage and infant loss.

The book is available now on Amazon in Kindle and paperback formats.

Book chapters

Chapter 1: What is growth restriction?

What growth restriction is, how it is different from small for gestational age, and what causes growth restriction

Chapter 2: How is growth restriction diagnosed and managed during pregnancy?

How obstetricians diagnose and manage growth restriction during pregnancy and what tests are often done

Chapter 3: Growth restriction in full-term newborns

What health conditions newborn babies are at risk for after birth

Chapter 4: Growth restriction in premature newborns

How growth restriction can impact the health of premature newborns

Chapter 5: How growth restriction impacts health from childhood through adulthood

How growth restriction can increase the risk of health conditions throughout life, and why growth restricted babies are more likely to have obesity and diabetes in adulthood

Praise for the book

"I’ve read through the manuscript—wow!  I found it both engaging and informative and I bet other parents will as well. I was also in tears at parts.” 


"I read the whole thing and loved it. I think it's very informative and will be a powerful tool for parents with growth restricted babies. I really liked reading the parents' stories, too."


"I would honestly have found this book to be very useful after [my son's] birth; so much of it makes more sense now, in retrospect."


"I just read the book and it's great! I'd also love to give a thanks for including a story of infant loss. Too often these stories are not given a voice in hopes of not scaring others. It is very meaningful to have one in the book."



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